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For 145 years, the White County Fair has been delivering fun for all ages

From traditional events like Harness racing and the annual Queen contest to newer events like Motocross Racing & Pig Penning, no other fair in the region brings quite the variety, level of competition, or fun that the annual White County Fair does.  We've got thundering hooves and serious horse power, incredible talent, smarts, humor and beauty, phenomenally powerful motors, cross county rivalries and delicious food.  You'll leave the White County Fair with plenty of memories made on the midway!

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White Co Fair Queen Contest Monday, August 5th
7pm  ($10 admission)

The White County Fair Queen Contests have enjoyed a resurgence of interest, participation and draws a full grandstand every summer.  The 2019 winner, Kelsi (Kessler) Hunsinger, went on to win the state pageant in December and due to the pandemic reigned for two years.  She passed the crown on to Alexis Conner who also represented the county brilliantly.  She was succeeded by Payton Howard of Grayville and our reigning queen is Brenna Russell.  Junior and Little Miss contestants will also strut their stuff.  For more information, contact Hannah Sailer at 618.384.1670 or click here to visit the facebook page.

Harness Racing
Tuesday, August 6th
5:30pm (Free Grandstand)

This traditional event is a crowd favorite.  The half mile track at White County is home to records and thundering hoofs on Tuesday evening at the fair. Call Barbre Stables for details.  Play Pick 'em and enjoy a FREE grandstand thanks to our wonderful community of sponsors.  Racing begins at 5:30pm.

Thursday, August 8th - 7pm (Admission:
Pits or Grandstand $10)
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Team Pig Penning
Friday, August 9th      7pm

Bring the kids for a rip roaring good time with Monster Trucks on Friday night at the 144th Annual White County Fair!  The good folks from Rally Point Events will have a show guaranteed to leave you entertained!

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Demolition Derby
Both Saturdays, August 3rd & 10th
(Admission - Grandstand $15
Pit Passes available for $20)

The White County Fair Demolition Derby is truly the grand daddy of them all in our region! With huge purses bringing competitors from a variety of counties and multiple states, you better get your pit pass or grandstand ticket early.  If you don't, you won't find a place to sit...of course, with all the action, you may not need it!  Chad Bandy runs our Demo and the White County Fair Board looks forward to another large crowd of vehicles for this year's Derbies!

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